My bunny got abscess, again...
3 month after heal from abscess, it happen again. I don't know what has made my bunny easily got abscess. it even worse than before, yesterday night, after my bunny ate his bean, my mother saw that my bunny was bleeding, blood was coming out through his mouth. we was just panicked. I think that his abscess was being accidentally hit by his teeth when he was eating and caused injured. I tried to cleaned up his hand (he was trying to groom his fur) and his mouth from his blood, with warm orange liquid and salt, at least it would heal his scar. Alhamdulillah, his blood had stopped bleeding.
Now, i'm trying to find another herbal medicine. he won't drink piperbetie L (daun sirih) bowled anymore. Now, i'm trying to give him human medical treatment for abscess and 1000 mg of vitamin c. It sad when see him sick that way.

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