Custom Search

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Blog yang Menghasilkan

1. Mendaftar di major search engine (GOOGLE,MSN, YAHOO SEARCH)
2. Bertukar link (link exchange)
3 Blogwalking
4 Pasang link blog di Signature Email
5. Pasang link blog di Social Network (FS,facebook)
6. Pasang link blog di messenger.
7. Masukkan Blog ke komunitas/direktori blog : blog Directory,dll
8. Masukkan Blog ke Digg/
10.Olah statistik / skrip statistik (Shinystats, Feedjit)
11.Daftar dan Verifikasi ke Google Webmaster tools , Submit Sitemap dan situs ke Google Webmaster tools
12.Submit ke submitter (Grow URL)
13.Kenali Pagerank dan Alex Rank

Kalau mau memajang produk boleh aja :
1.Input/posting produk/jasa
2.Tambahkan menu cara pemesanan dan pembelian
3.Tambahkan Support (YM)

Pay per Click (LOKAL)
4., PPC indo, Adsense Camp, Indofad,dll


PROGRAM AFILIASI : pemilik situs web atau blog akan mendapatkan komisi (atau hadiah) apabila terjadi transaksi antara perusahaan pemilik program dengan pembeli produk yang diiklankan oleh pemilik situs atau blog.
1. Affiliasi dengan upload file : ziddu.
2. Afiliasi Jualan buku : Amazon
3. Afiliasi social network : yuwie
4. Afiliasi web hosting : rumahweb

Paid to click (PTC)
1. (Lokal)
2. ClixSense (internasional)

sumber :

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tukeran Banner

Lagi tertarik exchange banner ato tukeran link berbentuk gambar (banner) biar banyak backlink nya. apalagi banner2 tmn2 bagus2 semua. trus berharap bisa meningkatkan page rank.
Di bawah ni banner para blogger yang lain... kalau mau tukeran, silahkan copas(copy dan paste kode banner saya.. konfirmasi via comment, lalu saya akan lakukan hal yang sama dgn banner blog anda.

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Optimasi Blog | Tips SEO dan Trik Blogger Indonesia

Monday, June 15, 2009

Cara pasang blogumus di blogger

Blogumus adalah tag cloud atau label animasi flash yang tampilannya kayak di blog ini.
cara pasangnya gampang :

1. Login ke blog anda
2. masuk ke tab Layout
3. Pilih Page Elements
4. Add a gadget trus klik tambah label baru
5. masuk ke tab Edit HTML
7. cari <b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'>
sampai </b:widget>
nomor label bisa 1 atau 2 tergantung yg ada
8. ganti dengan kode berikut :

<b:widget id='Label99' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:title'>
<div class='widget-content'>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<div id='flashcontent'>Blogumulus by <a href=''>Roy Tanck</a> and <a href=''>Amanda Fazani</a></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var so = new SWFObject(&quot;;, &quot;tagcloud&quot;, &quot;240&quot;, &quot;300&quot;, &quot;7&quot;, &quot;#000000&quot;);
// uncomment next line to enable transparency
//so.addParam(&quot;wmode&quot;, &quot;transparent&quot;);
so.addVariable(&quot;tcolor&quot;, &quot;0xffffff&quot;);
so.addVariable(&quot;mode&quot;, &quot;tags&quot;);
so.addVariable(&quot;distr&quot;, &quot;true&quot;);
so.addVariable(&quot;tspeed&quot;, &quot;100&quot;);
so.addVariable(&quot;tagcloud&quot;, &quot;<tags><b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'><a expr:href='data:label.url' style='12'><></a></b:loop></tags>&quot;);
so.addParam(&quot;allowScriptAccess&quot;, &quot;always&quot;);
<b:include name='quickedit'/>

9. Tag yg berwarna merah adalah lebarnya, bisa diganti
Tag yg berwarna kuning adalah tingginya
Tag yg berwarna ungu adalah warna background (hitam)
Tag yg berwarna orange adalah warna tulisan (putih) semuanya bisa diganti-ganti sesuai keinginan

Thursday, June 4, 2009

My abscess bunny

Abscess on bunny

I found my bunny (he is about 3 years old) was sick. He was lethargic; he was drooling excessive, it’s showed by wet chin, he lost his fur around his neck, he didn’t poop as routine as normal (I didn’t even find any dropping on his cage!!), lost his appetite, also his weight. I was very concerned about that my little fellow. My parents didn’t allow me to bring him to the vet. Then I searched on Google what was happen to him. First time, I found most articles said that drooling excessive is a sign that the bunny has a dental disorder. It means that there is something problem on his teeth. It may because by something stuck between his teeth or he got a molar spur. When a bunny got a dental disorder, it is seemed that he is interested and try to catch his food, but then he refuse to eat, he is also looked healthy (even though he is drooling excessive) but he still play like usual, runny eyes, his dropping is normal. I was panicked when I though that he was got a dental disorder, I couldn’t imagine how was he could live better without any of medical treatment. My bunny would live in suffering, starving and die slowly. I still couldn’t believe that my bunny got a dental disorder, it usually happen on an old bunny, and my bunny was too young to get it. Then I tried to search more and again on search engine, then I found some articles said that drooling excessive on bunny may cause by an abscess. Abscess (in Indonesia is nanah) is caused by bacteria. In Indonesia it’s commonly is such a “sariawan”. An abscess bunny is usually lethargic, he refuse to play with his owner, he always hide, not like usually, he refuse to eat and he lose his weight in short period of time. I believed that this was happening to my bunny. I hard pray to Allah made my bunny would be fine, and there is nothing problem on his teeth. So in the next day, I felt like something whispered on my thought. Then I followed my intuition. Okay, logically, if my bunny is got an abscess, so some bacteria must live on his body (I didn’t know where does part of my bunny’s body becoming place that the bacteria lives in, whether my bunny’s mouth, his throat or his stomach..?). But the primary question is what kind of thing that could kill that bacterium? And the answer is antiseptic or antibiotic. Most vets said that they have to try more than one antibiotic every time they try to give to bunny, because it’s kind a hard to find any suit antibiotic for bunny to kill bacteria’s attack. So I refuse to find on my way to give my bunny an antibiotic. It was too risk. I rather tried to give him a traditional antiseptic. Allah creates something that must have any benefit on humans live. And that traditional antiseptic is Sirih in Indonesia language is daun Sirih (Piperbetie L). Believe me, it really works and I succeed try to help my bunny getting heal. In Indonesia, Sirih is commonly use for traditional medicine, it has been proved can heal cough, acne, abscess on mouth etc. So I tried to find Sirih leaves outside, brought it home and bowl about 3 or 4 of Sirih leaves with a cup of water on a pan. Then I filtered the leaves, separated between the leaves and the water (I only use the water from extraction) let it warm, and put the water extract on my bunny’s water bottle. I introduced him to this beverage slowly, first time, I force him to drink it by a spoon, then I gave him by his water bottle using my hand, if I wasn’t, he refused to drink. On the first time I gave him, he refused to drink. But I was amazed and wondered when he drink a lot that Sirih extraction, when I mixed the sirih extraction water with a tea spoon of salt. Salt may also be able to kill that little parasite. I gave him that Sirih extract water mixed with salt about three times a day, 7 days a week. I also gave him a tea spoon of yoghurt, (I think yoghurt also can kill bad bacteria) I gave him about 2 times a week. Sirih leaves and salt is not a chemistry product, and it won’t make my bunny getting hurt. So, I didn’t bother to give him as long as he could be healed.

pic above my bunny appearance when he got abscess (sariawan)

pic above my bunny is getting fine, gain his weight back to normal after drinking Sirih Leaves regularly

Many vet told that it’s need a lot of time and many to heal an abscess bunny. I keep give him that traditional medicine about a month, I was patient and alhamdulillah, slowly he wanted to eat his food, he can poop, and he wasn’t drooling anymore. I’m very grateful that Allah helps me to help my beloved bunny.

pic of Sirih Leaves

Banner Exchange

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